Tuesday, 3 April 2012

AMIE grading system

The grading is on par with other similar study streams and is given on the following basis. Marks obtained under 19 out of a total of 100 will be considered as a fail. Marks between 20 and 34 will be given a grade symbol of E, marks between 35 and 49 will be graded as D, a score of 50-59 will be accorded a grading of C, marks between 60 and 65 will be considered for a grading of B and a score of 66-74 will be awarded with a grade symbol of A. The highest accolade of H grade symbol will be awarded to students with a passing mark of 75 or above.

The following points should be noted by the students with relevance to the AMIE grading system

    Grading will be done on individual subject basis
    The Grade Point Average (GPA) will be awarded to the students along with the pass marks for Section A and B in addiction to the grades obtained for the individual subjects
    The minimum GPA required for an overall pass in either Section A or B will be 6.
    The total sum of credits will be 100 of which project work and also laboratory experiments will be included
    The minimum grade subjected for exemption for each subject will be Grade C
    The expected minimum grade for a pass in the project work is  Grade B
    The expected minimum grade for a pass in laboratory experiments is Grade B
    A student receiving a grade C or a grade above that will not be able to re-sit an examination in the relevant subject(s).
    Student in the non diploma will be eligible to advance to the Section B only on meeting a minimum GPA of 6 with all subjects given in the particular Section being covered.
    Class and Division are not awarded.

Students who complete the Section A and B examinations will have taken the examination in all the required subjects including the project work and the laboratory work. The total aggregate of the student’s examination marks will be divided by the total number of subjects the student is eligible to sit for to arrive at the cumulative GPA. The CGPA will be specified in the passing grade card of students on Section B.

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