Saturday, 2 July 2011



Group A
Engineering design process and its structure. Identification and analysis of need, product design specifications, standards of performance and constraints.
Searching for design concepts; morphological analysis, brainstorming. Evaluation of design concepts for physical reliability, economic feasibility and utility.
Detailed design; design for manufacture, assembly, shipping, maintenance, use, and recyclability.

Design checks for clarity, simplicity, modularity and safety. Standardization and size ranges. Reliability and robust design. Design organisation and communication, . technical reports, drawings, presentations and models.
Concept of manufacturing; classification of manufacturing processes. Fundamentals of casting. Basic understanding of commonly used casting processes (sand casting, investment casting and permanent mould casting processes).
Fundamentals of metal forming; hot and cold working; basic understanding of primary metal forming processes (rolling, forging, extrusion and drawing processes, punching and blanking).

Group B
Fundamentals of metal cutting; tool-work interaction for production of machined surfaces. Classification of machining processes. Basic machining operations (turning, shaping, planning, drilling and milling processes).
Fundamentals of grinding and finishing; overview of unconventional machining processes; fundamentals of welding processes; introduction to primary welding and allied processes; selection of manufacturing processes. Design for manufacturability.
Need for integration-commercial, economic and technological perspective; basic tools of integration; concept of a system. introduction to information technology and its elements.
Introduction to group technology; introduction to simulation and database management systems.
Elements of integration:-eontrol1ers, sensors, robots, automated machines; AGVs, AS, RS, etc.
Product and process design- for integration; design for economic manufacturing; design for manufacturing integration.
Introduction to computer aided process planning; selection of machine tools.

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